"enPiT2" : an educational project of Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science and Technology-Japan (MEXT)


enPiT-Emb: Training Professional Embedded Engineers

An education projectーcalled enPiT (Education Network for Practical Information Technologies)ーpromoted by Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) was launched in 2012. Although enPiT initially targeted postgraduate students, in 2016, enPiT2ーhaving the personal training of undergraduate students as its main themeーwas launched. Presently, as for enPiT2, through cooperation between 35 domestic universities, training curricula aimed at undergraduates in four fields ("big data and artificial intelligence (AI)," "security," "embedded systems," and "business-systems design") are being developed.

As for enPIT targeting the embedded-systems field (called "enPiT-Emb"), it is aimed at fostering information-system engineers who can construct embedded systems with a new value. In particular, as for enPiT-Emb, an education framework "QuadPro" has been provided, and practical education by project-based learning (PBL) is being promoted via that framework. As shown in the following figure, ten universities collaboratively work to develop training curricula aimed at undergraduates.

Our goal is to train professional software engineers in particular in the embedded area. We define four key abilities that are required as a professional embedded engineer. The four key abilities are:
Since all the four keywords begin with "Pro," we packed them together to name them "QuadPro," which we consider as a core philosophy in the embedded area of enPiT2.